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Blog Archives
Hina dolls
In front of those pretty dolls, I felt I was a little girl. It is believed that the Hina dolls possess the power to contain bad sprits. We are now celebrating girl's festival and you can enjoy these beautiful dolls until April 3rd.
Tondo (Fire festival)
Tondo is a fire festival which takes place around January 15th. Today the festival is held in front of the Itsukushima shrine and New Year's decorations were burned. We believe the fire protects us from the diseases for the year.
弥山 日の入り
Sun set
Today was my very special day. Our great guest David brought us amazing pictures and showed us how beautiful this island is. He had two round trip to Mt. Misen early morning and late afternoon to catch the magical moments. I would love to share them all of you!
Today was my very special day. Our great guest David brought us amazing pictures and showed us how beautiful this island is. He had two round trip to Mt. Misen early morning and late afternoon to catch the magical moments. I would love to share them all of you!
Happy New Year!
厳島神社 宝物名品展 11月24日~12月18日
Exhibition of great treasures of the Itsukushima shrine November 24 - December 18
世界遺産登録20周年記念 厳島神社 宝物名品展に行ってきました。素晴らしかったです!特に国宝 平家納経 平清盛願文には鳥肌が立ちました。平安時代、平清盛によって書かれた力強く美しい書には力強さ・ユーモア・繊細さ・勢い・遊び心が。書を見てこんなに引き込まれたのは初めてです。まるで清盛公にお会いしたような不思議な感覚になりました。皆様ぜひぜひご覧ください!
Amazing calligraphy by Kiyomori Taira (1118-1181) is now showing at the tresure strore house. When I saw his hand writing, a shudder ran through me... I felt I met him beyond time.