Watanabe Diary

Letters from Auberge-Watanabe

Lantern festival

Always wishing you the best.
2018/09/7 | Category : days

Miyajima Odori (dance)

Let's dance in circle.
2018/08/18 | Category : days

Shiman Hassen festival at Daishoin temple

It is said, if you come to pray at the Daishoin temple on Shiman Hassen festival, you will receive 48000 rewards.
2018/08/10 | Category : days

August 6th

I look at the blue sky at 8:15am. I imagine your smiles when we made paper cranes together. Our family is growing slowly but surely.
2018/08/6 | Category : days

Rainy season

They are always beautiful.
2018/07/5 | Category : days