Watanabe Diary

Letters from Auberge-Watanabe

Sacred horse

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It is believed that the horse is a sacred animal so it was decicated to a kami (god) in the old days. There is a small stable in front of the Itsukushima shrine and a statue of white horse is settled. In the past, a keeper was takinig care of a real horse there!
2014/05/19 | Category : days

Event at the Itsukushima shrine

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Empress Suiko Saiyouhaishiki is held at the Itsukushima shrine and bugakucourt dances and music are performed.

2014/05/18 | Category : days



We have a taxi and public bus services.
2014/05/15 | Category : days


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A lady next door brings us beautiful flowers and the room becomes so colorful!
2014/05/12 | Category : days